Have your say on planning

Have your say on planning

Current Consultations:


Local Plan: Have your say and help shape the future of Newcastle

What do you want Newcastle to be like in the future, and how can this be achieved? Now is your chance to help us plan for this.   

We are keen to start early conversations. This will help us to prepare the Newcastle Plan Like all councils, we need to create a plan for our area that sets out how Newcastle will develop between now and 2045, considering all aspects of what will make our city an even better place to live. We want to make sure we hear from everybody and find out what matters to our communities. 

This Consultation for Stage One Closed on 6 March 2024.  We are now reviewing your contributions over the coming months and use these to inform our draft plan.

Click here for more information.



Healthier Food Environments Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Council has adopted a whole-system approach to healthy weight, nutrition, and physical activity, which recognises multiple interventions are required, including targeting the relationship between the food environment and population weight status.  

To support this whole system approach, the Draft Supplementary Planning Document includes policy areas to help enable communities to access and adopt healthier diets. Limiting the growth of hot-food takeaways, which are typically high in fat, salt and sugar, is also part of this approach. The requirements in the document are considered to be justified in planning policy terms and are enforceable.

In accordance with the regulations, the Council publicised this draft document for comment. 

This Consultation Closed on 5th February 2024.   All responses will be considered before the SPD is progressed further.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Planning Policy Team.

•    Email: planningpolicy@newcastle.gov.uk 
•    Post: City Council, Planning Policy, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH


Design Guide for Householder Extensions and Alterations in Newcastle upon Tyne

Annually the City determines over 700 planning applications for the extension or alteration to homes. It is often the most common way the public become directly involved in the planning system, either by making an application, or as a neighbour consulted on an application. It is therefore important that there is clear guidance to the public on how the assessment of a planning application for an extension or alteration to a home is undertaken and how the public can be engaged in the process.

The revised Consultation Draft Design Guide will help households plan the design of their extension. The Guide identifies what is a good design and how to avoid forms of development that could impact upon the amenity of neighbouring properties. The Draft Guide also provides information and resources to help navigate the planning process.

In accordance with the regulations, the Council publicised these draft documents for comment. 

This Consultation Closed on 5th February 2024.   All responses will be considered before the Design Guide is progressed further.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Planning Policy Team.

•    Email: planningpolicy@newcastle.gov.uk 
•    Post: City Council, Planning Policy, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH


Dinnington Neighbourhood Plan

Dinnington Parish Council, as the qualifying body for the purposes of neighbourhood planning for the Dinnington neighbourhood area, have submitted the Dinnington Neighbourhood Plan to the City Council for Independent Examination. Details of the submission can be found here.


Draft Consultations:

Draft Nature Supplementary Planning Document - Landscape Trees and Biodiversity Consultation

The council has recently consulted on the draft Nature SPD Landscape, Trees and Biodiversity, and the deadline for comments expired 21 January 2022.   

The council will now consider the comments received and amend the SPD as required prior to asking Cabinet to adopt the SPD.  We will update this page to notify of the decision.



Consultation Database

If you would like to be informed of future planning policy consultations, please register your details:

Email: PlanningPolicy@newcastle.gov.uk
Write to: Planning Policy, Newcastle City Council, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH.

Please read our Privacy Notice which tells you how we use your information.




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