Nominations for Honours

Nominations for Honours

Lord Mayor’s Award Scheme

 Criteria for assessing nominations 

  • The person nominated should be regarded as a person of distinction in their chosen field. 
  • Their work should be in a voluntary capacity rather than a paid position. 
  • The person nominated should perform a leading role in the delivery of the service provided.  
  • They should be able to demonstrate a commitment by length of time they have undertaken their duties. It is anticipated that a significant amount of intensive work over 3 – 5 years, or consistent service over a longer period such as 20 years would be appropriate. 
  • The person’s contribution should have been exceptional and as such, have made a significant difference to their community or cause within the City.  
  • The role or delivery of service undertaken is unique, innovative or significantly different from others within the City. 
  • The community served should be substantial (involving at least 100 people). 
  • Their nomination should demonstrate widespread support from the community served or from within the group concerned.

 In addition, the Council may not normally award those who have recently received other recognition in the recent past, or have had a previous nomination turned down 


Honorary Freedom of the City

 Criteria for assessing nominations

 Legal Position

 Power to appoint Honorary Freemen is contained within Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972.  
The Section provides that the following may be admitted to be Honorary Freemen:

“persons of distinction and persons who have, in the opinion of the Council, rendered eminent services to the city.”
The resolution has to be passed by at least a 2/3 majority of members present at a specially convened meeting.


The title of Honorary Freeman is purely honorary and does not confer upon recipients the rights which Hereditary Freemen enjoy. Nevertheless, it represents the highest honour the Council can bestow, and the privileges comprise: 

  • The name of the recipient is engraved on the Banqueting Hall wall; and
  • A formal installation ceremony is arranged at which the recipient is presented with a framed scroll.


A nomination form can be obtained from the Lord Mayor’s Office, at Newcastle Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8QH or email    


Need more information?

Lord Mayor’s Office, at Newcastle Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8QH or email    

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