Newcastle Movement Strategy

Newcastle Movement Strategy

Help shape the future of transport in Newcastle

We are developing a new plan to improve transport in our city.
It's called a Movement Strategy, and  your input will help to make it a success. 

The Movement Strategy will look at how people and goods move around the city and what we can do to make this more efficient, sustainable, safe, accessible and inclusive. 

We've completed a seven-week public consultation which enabled us to gather your views and feedback on what the city's transport network should look like.
More than 1,300 residents, businesses and organisations took part and we're now analysing all of the feedback to help shape the city's Movement Strategy.

What is the Movement Strategy?

The Movement Strategy will guide Newcastle’s transport development until 2045. Our goal is to reduce traffic, improve public transport, promote active travel like walking, wheeling and cycling, and reduce carbon emissions, all while ensuring the transport system works for our residents, businesses and visitors.

Why your feedback matters

Your input will help shape the future of transport in Newcastle. We needed to hear about your experiences and ideas for improving how we get around. By participating, you’ll help us address important challenges like:

•    Supporting people and businesses by improving access to jobs, education and other services.
•    Reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality.
•    Making transport easier and fairer for all, including disabled people, families, and the elderly.
•    Building healthy habits and improving well-being by providing better public transport, walking, wheeling, and cycling infrastructure.

What happens next?

Now that the consultation has ended, we will review all the feedback and use it to develop the Movement Strategy. The final strategy will be presented to the Newcastle City Council Cabinet in Spring 2025, followed by an implementation plan to make our vision a reality.


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