Drugs and Alcohol

Drugs and Alcohol

Currently adults are advised to drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week, spread across more than 3 days.  The number of units in a drink depends on the strength of the alcohol, and the amount of it in the drink. 

As a guide: 

DrinkNumber of Units
Single shot of spirts (25ml, 40%)1
Bottle of beer, lager or cider (330ml, 4.5%)1.5
Medium glass of wine (175ml, 12.5%)2.2
Pint of beer, lager or cider (568ml, 4%)2.3
Bottle of wine (750ml, 13%)9.8

Find out how many units of alcohol you drink in a week here. 

Sometimes, we can drink too much alcohol, without even realising it. In other cases, some may feel like they rely on alcohol to function, or to get through the day. The misuse of alcohol and drugs can have a big impact on our health and wellbeing, as well as our families, and the communities we live in.  

Here’s how alcohol can affect us: 

Physical health: regularly drinking above 14 units a week increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. Cutting down is one great way to help reduce blood pressure. 

Mental health: regularly drinking alcohol affects your brain chemistry and can increase the risk of depression, low mood, and anxiety. Drinking could make you feel more tired or down. 

Weight: many people do not realise how many calories are in their drinks. Reducing how much alcohol we drink is a good way to cut down our calorie intake. 

Caring roles: supporting someone with alcohol issues can cause a range of problems for the carer or family member, including stress, impacts on health and wellbeing, financial issues, caring responsibilities, and having to miss work to care for that person.   


Gambling (also known as betting) involves any games of chance that are played for money. This could be things like betting on sports (like football or horseracing), playing bingo, and or playing casino games (like roulette, poker, or blackjack). Gambling can have a negative impact on health and wellbeing. It may also impact on other areas of life, such as household finance.

There are a range of services for those who are struggling with alcohol, drug, and gambling issues, and for those who may need help supporting them. 

Services in Newcastle

Newcastle Treatment and Recovery (NTaR) - Drug and Alcohol Service:  

The service can support people living within Newcastle for issues with drug and alcohol use. The support is available for all ages and substances.  There are many types of support that can be provided, these include specialist assessment, medical and nursing care for addiction, recovery coordination, psychosocial, health support and a range of recovery support.  You can also self-refer if needed. NTaR also delivers support for children and young people through a dedicated young people’s team, offering a range of age-appropriate interventions.   

How to Access: 

Phone: 0191 206 1117 – 10am to 4pm 
Email: NTARreferrals@cntw.nhs.uk  
Website: cntw.nhs.uk 
Address: Plummer Court, Carliol Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6UR 
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 8.30pm 
Saturday and Sunday: 11am to 1.30pm, and 2pm to 5pm 

Please note: Some activity also takes place at Fenham Hub and other community venues. If you are worried about where an assessment will take place, please speak to the service.  

Harm Reduction Service: 

The harm reduction service delivers a range of open access and confidential support for drug and alcohol users. You can access support such as needle and syringe exchange, nursing support, blood-borne virus testing, and access to naloxone.  You will also get lots of advice or information, and the staff will work with other services to support your needs.   

There are other needle exchange services in the city, including pharmacy exchanges, and the exchange at the Joseph Cowan Health Centre.  

How to Access: 

Phone 0191 261 4719 
Address: 43 Clayton Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 5PN 
Opening Hours: 

Needle Exchange: 

Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm 

Needle Exchange after 5pm and on weekends will be available from Plummer Court. 


Positive Response to Overcoming Problems of Substance Misuse (PROPS): 

PROPs provide services and support across Newcastle and North Tyneside to the families and carers of loved ones who are struggling with alcohol and drug use. Support provided includes:  

  • 1 to 1 and peer support groups 
  • training 
  • counselling services 
  • support for young people affected by a loved one’s substance misuse 

 How to Access: 


0191 226 3440 

Available 7 days a week: 9am to 10pm 

Email: office@propsnortheast.org.uk 
Website: props.org.uk 
Address: Fenham Library, Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9XD 
Opening Hours Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm 


George Street Social - The Road to Recovery Trust:  

George Street Social is run by the Road to Recovery Trust with the aim to help and support people recover from addiction. There are a range of support groups and mutual aid groups running from George Street Social, which is a safe and welcoming space. You can be at any stage of your recovery to attend. Everyone is welcome.  

How to Access: 

Phone: 0191 691 5280 
Email: info@roadtorecoverytrust.org.uk 
Website: Road To Recovery Trust 
Address: George Street Social, 45-51 George Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7JN 
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 4.30pm 


Residential Rehabilitation: Drug and Alcohol Social Work Team: 

The drug and alcohol social work team is a small specialist team who can do an assessment for suitability for residential rehabilitation for adults living in Newcastle.  If you want to be considered for residential rehabilitation you need to be in treatment or have a specialist assessment with the Newcastle Treatment and Recovery service. You can discuss this further with your keyworker within the service or the social work team.  

If you would like to speak to someone about the residential rehabilitation you can make contact via phone: 0191 2772355 or email: mhadmin@newcastle.gov.uk 


Community Rehabilitation – Oaktrees: 

Oaktrees offers a fully supported and structured, 12 step intensive programme for people wanting to become sober. The programme lasts around 12 weeks with good links to a range of fellowship and recovery groups in the city. To access Oaktrees, you should have had a specialist assessment or support plan from NTaR, but you can call the service for more information on the number below. 

Phone: 0191 273 8891 
Website: Oaktrees Newcastle | Changing Lives 
Address: Oaktrees Newcastle, 1st Floor, 1 Carliol Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6UF 



Ridley Villas: 

Ridley Villas is supported housing that provides help for women who have children, who are living in Newcastle and Gateshead who need support with overcoming issues with drugs or alcohol, or both.   

How to Access: 

Phone: 0191 232 9181 
Address: 91-93 New Bridge Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2SW 
Opening Times: 

Monday to Friday: 8am to 10pm 

Saturday and Sunday: 12pm to 8pm 


Newcastle Service User and Carer Forum:   

We provide a forum for service users and carers at various venues in the city.  The forums are an opportunity to chat and to raise any issues that you may have. It also provides a supportive place for peer led activities, training, volunteer opportunities, advocacy, and mentoring.   

If you would like to attend the forum or if you would like more information please email publichealthadmin@newcastle.gov.uk.  

How to Access: 

Service user and carer forum

Venue address:

George Street Social, 45-51 George Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7JN 

The Recovery College (ReCoCo), 2nd Floor, No.1 Carliol Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6UF

Date and venue: 
  • 25 July  - The Recovery College (ReCoCo) -  12-2pm
  • 8 , 22 August - The Recovery College (ReCoCo) - 12-2pm      
  • 5 September - The Recovery College (ReCoCo) - 12-2pm
  • 3, 17, 31 October - The Recovery College (ReCoCo) - 12-2pm
  • 14, 28 November - The Recovery College (ReCoCo) - 12-2pm
  • 12 December - The Recovery College (ReCoCo) - 12-2pm

Carer forum

Venue address:

Brunswick Methodist Church, Brunswick Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ

Fenham Library, Fenham Hall Drive, Fenham, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9XD

Date and venue:
  • 20 March - Brunswick Methodist Church - 1.30-3.30pm
  • 20 June - Fenham Library - 1.30-3.30pm
  • 26 September - Brunswick Methodist Church - 1.30-3.30pm


Additional Information and Advice: 

Stigma:  we know that stigma is often linked to drugs and alcohol. We are working with the NHS Alliance ‘Stigma Kills’ campaign and the Anti Stigma Network to tackle stigma. This work is important as we know that stigma can stop people from accessing and receiving the support they need. 

If you think that you are a carer or you are unsure, then there is further information and support available. Please visit Carers | Newcastle City Council. 

If you need support or advice for children and young people regarding drug and alcohol issues, there are other services or information that may be able to help: Pressures - Balance

Health Alert / Awareness:  

Drug Market Profile

The drug market profile is an intelligence product written by Newcastle City Council and Northumbria Police which gives a public health-focused and comprehensive analysis of the drug market in Newcastle area. Data from substance use services, practitioners, area specialists and service users has been collated to provide a rich and broad perspective on the city's drug market.

View the Drug Market Profile.


Did you know?

Important information video on the dangers of Nitrous Oxide





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