Neighbourhood Planning

Neighbourhood Planning

What is Neighbourhood planning?

Neighbourhood planning gives local communities the chance to draw up their own plans and proposals for shaping the future of their areas.  The proposals would need to comply with national and local strategic policies.

Types of Neighbourhood Planning

There are three types of neighbourhood planning available to communities:

  • Neighbourhood Plan - establish general planning principles for the development and use of land in a neighbourhood. Neighbourhood planning cannot be used to block the building of the homes and businesses considered to be necessary to meet the city's needs. However, it can influence the type, design, location and mix of new development.
  • Neighbourhood Development Order - allows you to grant planning permission for certain types of development that you want to see go ahead in your community area.
  • Community Right to Build Order - allows you to grant planning permission for the local community to build small developments, such as housing, community facilities or shops.


The following Neighbourhood Areas have been designated in Newcastle:

Dinnington Neighbourhood Plan

Dinnington Parish Council, as the qualifying body for the purposes of neighbourhood planning for the Dinnington neighbourhood area, have re-issued the Pre-Submission Draft of the Dinnington Parish Neighbourhood Plan for a formal public consultation period beginning on Monday 22 July 2024 and ending on Sunday 1 September 2024.

Further explanation and details of the consultation, including a link to view the re-issued Neighbourhood Plan can be found by clicking HERE


Further Information

If you are thinking about Neighbourhood Planning for your area, please contact us


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