Children & Families Newcastle

Children & Families Newcastle

Logo of Children & Families Newcastle

What is Children & Families Newcastle?

Children and Families Newcastle is a new approach to ensure services and support is accessible to children and families. It brings services together so they can support children and families to get the help and support that they want and need. Children and families can use a range of services and activities that are important to them in their local area.

Find out more on the Children and Families Newcastle website.

How does Children & Families Newcastle work?

Children and Families Newcastle is a group of services and organisations working together. 

Better Integrated Services will ensure that children, young people and families only have to tell their story once.

The Community Family Offer will provide friendly and safe spaces in local areas. . There are Community Hubs across the city which are shaped by the local communities. The Hubs link with smaller organisations and schools to create a network of buildings.  A wide range of useful and fun activities are available in the hubs

The Hubs include

  • Baby and toddler groups
  • Youth provision
  • Training opportunities
  • Childcare
  • Employability services
  • Children’s therapies
  • Mental health support
  • Health visiting
  • Community midwifery

 Read more about Community Hubs.

Family Partners are a new role to help children, young people and families navigate support.  They work closely with families and build trusting relationships. They liaise with support services and connect families into local activities and opportunities. 

Which organisations are part of Children & Families Newcastle?

Children & Families Newcastle has been championed by Collaborative Newcastle.

The partners include

  • Collaborative Newcastle 
  • Newcastle City Council
  • Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Newcastle Gateshead CCG and Cumbria
  • Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
  • Newcastle GP Services
  • Primary Care Networks
  • The voluntary sector
  • Community groups



Did you know?

Children & Families Newcastle has been championed  by Collaborative Newcastle.

Find out more about Collaborative Newcastle

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