Andrew McKegney
By Andrew McKegney

Senior Staff Writer

2 February 2021

| | 2 min read

A new swimming pool at West Denton?

Newcastle City Council is considering building a new pool at West Denton Leisure Centre as part of a wider review into the city’s leisure services.

Civic Centre
Civic Centre

It comes after leisure operator GLL announced in September it could not afford to reopen nearby West Denton Pool which closed as part of the first national lockdown, forcing swimmers to find alternate venues.

In November the council began a strategic review of leisure provision across the city to see what will be required in the years ahead following the impact of the pandemic and the closure of some venues.

Experts were commissioned to come up with a range of options that could keep a pool at West Denton.

Refurbishing the existing 60-year-old pool with its outdated plant and heating system would be too expensive, while the council taking the pool back in-house from GLL would also be too costly. 

A third option is to build a new modular pool on the side of West Denton Leisure Centre, which is just behind the existing West Denton Pool.  Subject to plans being submitted and approved, it could be open in 2023.

The council has earmarked £15,000 to explore the option and examine how it could be funded from a range of sources including the council’s capital spending programme, income, and external funding bodies. 

Council Leader Cllr Nick Forbes said: “The leisure industry has been hit hard by the pandemic and we recognise the decision by GLL not to reopen was a blow to the community and swimming clubs who used it. We are listening to residents and with their support hope to find a solution that enables swimming to continue in West Denton.

“We’ve been advised it would cost in excess of £4.2m to refurbish the 60-year-old pool, while building a new modular facility could be done for £2.3m.  We have asked officers to carry out a feasibility study into this and long-term options for leisure provision in the area.”

The council is looking at the possibility of a 25m pool as a cost-effective, easy to manage facility. Turner Townsend who are exploring the options on behalf of the council, concluded a new pool “bolted on” to West Denton Leisure Centre would be the most affordable option. 

Once the feasibility study has been completed, the council will consult the public on the next steps.