2 December 2022
| | 2 min readWinners announced in Newcastle’s Small Business Saturday Awards
With thousands of votes cast, the public have voted for their favourite small businesses in Newcastle.

The awards, run by Newcastle City Council, is a celebration of the diverse and vibrant businesses in the city as part of Small Business Saturday which is an annual event to support, inspire and promote small businesses.
The council have been counting the votes from the general public to crown this year’s Best Small Business People’s Choice Awards 2022 winners.
This year there were five categories that people could vote for a business in, highlighting the small business heroes across the city, as well as an overall winner who received the most votes.
The nominees in each category represent a fantastic range of hardworking and passionate people who provide quality products and services to their customers and communities here in Newcastle and beyond.
This year’s Overall Winner of Newcastle Best Small Business People’s Choice Awards 2022 goes to Trillians Rock Bar.
The five category winners are as follows:
- Best Small Food & Hospitality Business
Trillians Rock Bar, Dave Hills and Barbara Blair
- Best Small Retail Business
Fern Avenue Antique Centre, Seppe Anthony and Clare Smith
- Best Small Cultural Creative Business
Peep Magazine, Cliff Sainsbury
- Best Small Ethical and Environmentally Conscious Business
Flea Circus, Jim Gregory and Jess Penrose
- Best Small Community Champion Business
Westerhope Convenience Store, Sheraz Awan
Leader of the Council, Cllr Nick Kemp said “The Newcastle Small Business People’s Choice Awards 2022 is incredibly important. It’s a great initiative and fantastic to see the number of people who have voted in for the different categories.
“Congratulations to all the winners and nominees, and a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and give the recognition to these great businesses that they truly deserve.
“Small businesses are vital to the economy in Newcastle and we continue to support them and do everything we can.
“Small Business Saturday takes place this year on Saturday 3 December, I encourage everyone to visit their favourite local businesses and show some love.”
Barbara Blair, Co-Owner of Trillians said “We’re absolutely overwhelmed to have won the award for Food and Hospitality business, and Overall winner for 2022.
“Trillians is a real part of the community, our customers feel like part of the family, and we just want to thank them all so much for supporting us over the last 8 years, and particularly the last few years to help get us back on track. We also want to say a huge thank you to our amazing staff who are the heart of Trillians and do a fantastic job.”
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