Property frequently asked questions

Property frequently asked questions

How do I rent a garage from the Council?

Visit Your Homes Newcastle for more information on renting a garage in Newcastle.

How do I go about buying additional garden land adjacent to my property?

If there is land adjacent to your property you may be able to buy it through the council, whether or not you live in a former council property. For enquiries please email:

Please note that you will need to state the reason you wish to purchase the land. Garden land comes with restrictive covenants against development, which must be removed. Building or extending on to garden land without removal of the restrictive covenants will usually come to light at the most awkward time possible - when you come to sell your home in the future.

I pay ground rent to the Council and the lease says I have to register any assignment. What do I do?

You or your solicitor should, within 1 month of the assignment, send a copy of the assignment together with the appropriate registration fee, to the Assistant Director,  Legal Services, Civic Centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE99 2BN. This will enable your details to be amended on the Council's corporate property management records to prevent a billing being addressed to an incorrect address.

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