Statistics and intelligence

Statistics and intelligence

We want to make sure that the decisions we make about the services we deliver, the policies we develop and the actions we take are the right decisions for the City. We use a variety of information, including statistics, surveys, maps and results from consultations to inform our understanding and address equality issues across all areas of Newcastle.

Newcastle City Council works with our partners to conduct “an assessment of relevant needs” which helps to determine priorities and action in improving health and wellbeing.  This is often referred to as a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). The most recent version of this is the 2021 City profile.

Newcastle Future Needs Assessment Local Profile

Work is currently underway to produce an updated version, taking into account the most recent data and information, including from the 2021 Census.

In the meantime, there are a number of alternative sources of information on the city which can provide the latest published data.


Newcastle upon Tyne facts and figures - E08000021 - ONS


Local Authority Health Profiles - Data - OHID (

Local Health - Small Area Public Health Data - Data - OHID (


2021 Census Profile for areas in England and Wales - Nomis (

LG Inform



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Did you know?

The latest Census has just taken place, in April 2021. As soon as we have access to this data, we'll be using it to update the findings shown here. Watch this space! For more information, visit: Census 2021

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If you have questions about anything here, you can contact the Policy team at:

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