Flood Management - Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Flood Management - Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

The Flood Management Team deliver Newcastle Council's statutory duties as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) through the publication of our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy document (LFRMS). 

The following summary outlines our key objectives: 

  • Deliver a strategic city wide approach to flood management considering existing local and national policies and initiatives.
  • Work with the LPA and developers to ensure flood and water management is considered throughout the development process, delivering wider benefits including water quality, amenity and biodiversity
  • Build, maintain and improve flood management infrastructure to reduce the risk of harm to people and damage to the economy, environment and society.
  • Increase public awareness of flood risk that remains and engaging with people at risk to make their property more resilient
  • Investigate major flooding incidents with an engaged approach as part of a rapid response and promoting a faster recovery
  • Engage with other RMAs, stakeholders to ensure a proactive approach to flood management is taken for all sources of flooding


This document is currently under review and is due for publication in 2023. 


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